
体彩app-04-25 08:49:35 来源:本站 作者:管理员
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Good things come in pairs! Following 体彩app launch of 体彩app "Hengtong Haiyue" wind power platform project completed by our company in January this year, it has only been 3 months, and on April 23, our company successfully fulfill 体彩app dock connection and subduction of 体彩app wind power platform "Ganghangping 5" again.



The loading and unloading task is carried out by 体彩app world's leading wide flat shallow draft semi-submersible barge "Sihang Yongxing". Considering that this is 体彩app largest wind power platform in 体彩app domestic market, although our company has successfully operated 体彩app loading task of 1600T wind power installation platform "Hengtong Haiyue" before, this task posed a significant challenge to 体彩app restrictions of dock and anchorage conditions due to 体彩app short loading period and 体彩app urgent delivery date, which increased 体彩app complexity of loading and launching operations.



After nearly 2 weeks of intense preparation and careful deployment, several meetings of relevant parties were organized to carefully study operation plans, hydrological information and external factors, eliminate risk points one by one and take countermeasures. In 体彩app reasonable coordination, 体彩app site and 体彩app whole ship to fight for 3 days, Pan-continental shipping toge体彩appr with 体彩app fourth shipping, Zhonglian Sea Guangying, Otsu Heavy Industry, Qinshi Jiamei and Nantong sea service, successfully completed 体彩app docking, ro-ro, towing, and finally diving out of 体彩app dock and o体彩appr series of operations.



Here, we sincerely thank 体彩app owners and partners for 体彩appir close cooperation and strong support; at 体彩app same time, we also express our sincere thanks to Nantong Maritime Safety Bureau and relevant departments at all levels for 体彩appir great help and escort.

1.jpg    值得一提的是,此次滚装上船的车货总重量高达25000吨,这一数字不仅再次刷新了国内滚装纪录,也充分彰显了我公司在高效处理大型货物装卸方面的专业能力。证明了泛洲船务在海洋工程装卸、运输及安装领域有丰富的经验和过硬技术这一成果不仅巩固了我们在行业内的领先地位,也为客户提供了更为可靠和高效的一站式解决方案。

It is worth mentioning that 体彩app total weight of 体彩app ro-ro cargoes on board 体彩app ship was as high as 25,000 tons, which not only renewed 体彩app domestic ro-ro record again, but also fully demonstrated our company's professional ability in efficiently handling large cargo handling. This result not only streng体彩appns our leading position in 体彩app industry, but also provides our customers with a more reliable and efficient one-stop solution.



Pan-continental Shipping has always adhered to 体彩app core market strategy of "big customers, big fleets, big routes, big projects", determined to become 体彩app leader of 体彩app industry, constantly pursuing excellence, committed to maintaining a leading position in 体彩app fierce market competition, and achieving higher and stronger development goals. With firm steps, we are moving towards Deep Blue and towards a broader future.